Thursday, December 11, 2008

Q2 Outside Reading Post 3: Miriam's Kitchen

 In the reading I did this week, there was a very big conflict where someone had to chose on what was ethically right.  Miriam told a story about how she knew that their christian neighbors were hiding a Jewish family from the Nazis during the Holocaust.  In this situation, the neighbors thought it was ethically right to not tattle on the family and tell the Nazis that the family was Jewish.  If the family would've ratted them out, the family most likely would've been killed.  This was a very brave step that the Christian family took and if anyone found out, they could have been banned from the city they lived in, lost all their friends or even worse, get killed.
If I were in the Christian family's place, I would've done the same thing.  My grandparents were in the Holocaust and so I have heard some pretty disturbing stories on how they were always trying to find a place to hide.  If hiding someone in my house meant saving their lives, I would do it.  Even if it would bring threats to me, it would be worth it because I would know that deep down I am doing the right thing and that it would pay off in the end.


Andrea L. said...

My research paper is on the same topic. It's interesting to read your post as i'm in the middle of writing my paper, because it shows another view point that I had not seen. Great job giving your own insight into the book!

Emily Fu. said...

That is quite a good example. Have you heard of the town, I can't remember the name, that banded together to hide a lot of Jews from the Nazis? This reminded me of that, with the neighbors deciding to keep each other safe.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how brave people can be and how they decide to take the risk to save others. I wonder what things crossed through their minds when they decided not to tattle, did they have any doubts? I always find stories like these amazing, great example of an ethical choice.

Samantha said...

This was a very brave thing for these people to do. If i was in the famlies shoes, I would also hide a jewish family. As you stated, though you are "going against the law", and possibly putting yourself in danger, it is still the best thing to do when what you know what is in your heart is right.

Spenser said...

I think about how brave someone muct be to risk their lives to save others and I hope that in the same situation I would do the same thing. Of course this was the right thing to do as this was wrong persecution and these people deserved a bit of help. I'm greatful for your insight and great post.